Gifts and partners – some news
There will be 5 Awesome Baduk vouchers to be won, they will be automatically distributed to people who have lost everything and the rest of the gift vouchers will be winnable in the end-of-tournament lottery! Because yes, we will be Read more…
Present partners on site
On site, we will welcome jeuxdumonde, the main go game retailers in France and who will show us a whole range of games and also the specialized bookstore of our game! Next, will be Camille Lévêque’s boutique #StonedOnTheGoban She will Read more…
Who said we were going to sleep right after the games! Let’s enjoy being together to spend time outside the games! So obviously we do what we want, however, know that we will suggest you the following events: Friday evening Read more…
Commentaries by Inseong Hwand 8d!
Inseong Hwang is not only a partner of the TIGGRE – Ellie cup and awarding the top group prizes, but he will also accompany us for the commentary on the broadcasted games (i.e. the top level games!) All of this Read more…
Christmas is coming, we limit the price increase
Hello everyone, We are doing a small intermediate rate during this Christmas period so we chosed to increase the prices to 25 and not 30 €, take advantage of it and join the 80 registered people until january!!
Last week before the price increase
Almost 60 people registered for the TIGGRE-Ellie Cup and still 2 months to go! We hope to keep this momentum going and we thank you for your trust! But if you have not yet registered, know that there is still Read more…
TIGGRE 2022 is coming
Next opus of TIGGRE (International Tournament of Grenoble) will take place 29 and 30 january 2022 at WTC, Grenoble! (near the train-station) We hope you’ll be plenty !! Inscription The tournament will be followed by an international go and ski Read more…
L’OGGRE remplace le TIGGRE en 2021
Exceptionnellement, le Tournoi International de Go de Grenoble est remplacé cette année par l’OGGRE (Online Go GREnoble). Ça se passera aux mêmes dates (6 et 7 février), sur OGS. Toutes les informations sont ici. Bienvenue à tous les joueurs qui Read more…